Pentru a incuraja cadrele didactice si studentii sa participe la Saptamana Mondiala a Spatiului Cosmic, World Space Week Association (organizatorii la nivel moldial ai acestei manifestari) au facut apel la sponsori pentru a furniza granturi de 500$ pentru modul cel mai creativ de a folosi spatiul cosmic in sala de clasa in timpul SMS, editia 2008.
Pentru a va califica, folositi spatiul cosmic intr-un mod creativ in sala de clasa intre 4-10 Octombrie.
Pentru a va inscrie, trimiteti prin e-mail la adresa fotografii, proiecte ale elevilor, reflectii in presa, si alte documente scanate / multimedia. Mentionati numele dumneavoastra, scoala, varsta studentilor, orasul, tara (Romania) si datele de contact, in limba engleza.
Criteriile de selectare sunt urmatoarele:
- Calitatea documentelor (incurajam trimiterea de fotografii si video)
- Creativitatea profesorului in folosirea spatiului in procesul educational
- Posibilitatea de a utiliza materialele in viitoare editii ale Saptamanii Mondiale a Spatiului Cosmic
- Cantitatea si calitatea impactului asupra elevilor, parintilor, si a comunitatii locale.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Granturi educative de $500, disponibile!
Posted by Virgiliu Pop at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
"Studiul Sistemului Solar" - "Studying the Solar System", Petrosani, HD
Physics teacher Gianina Duduiala coordinated "Studying the Solar System" - the World Space Week event at "Avram Stanca" Comprehensive School of Petrosani:
"In cadrul acestor activitati, Saptamana Mondiala a Spatiului Cosmic, am prezentat un proiect scolar,cu tema Studiul Sistemului Solar ,un proiect de cercetare,de documentare,de adunare a informatiilor,la gimnaziu.
Elevii claselor a VI-a si a VII-a au fost extrem de entuziasti si receptivi,s-au transformat in mici cercetatori,in mici astronauti,au realizat machete deosebite, planse,portofolii,care au fost expuse ulterior.Fotografiile de mai jos confirma acest lucru.
Intradevar ,o astfel de actiune, cu aceasta tema,Spatiul Cosmic,se bucura de un real interes, varietatea temelor, problemele inca nerezolvate, si, mai ales, setea de cunoastere a micilor cercetatori, sunt factori care contribuie la realizarea cu succes a unei astfel de activitati.
Proiectul a avut urmatorul continut:
I.Personalitatea Pǎmântului
-descrierea Pǎmântului: forma, suprafaţa, volumul, masa, densitatea medie, viteza de rotaţie ecuatorialǎ, circumferinţa ecuatorialǎ
-mişcarea globului terestru
-iluminarea globului terestru de cǎtre Soare
-locul Pǎmântului în Univers: galaxia noastrǎ , alte galaxii
II.Personalitatea Lunii
-originea şi forma Lunii
-faţa Lunii, roci şi cratere
-mişcǎrile Lunii
-mareele terestre
III.Personalitatea Soarelui
-structura şi evoluţia Soarelui
-activitatea solarǎ
-radiaţiile termice şi clima Pǎmântului
IV.Familia Soarelui :Planetele: Mercur, Venus, Pǎmânt, Marte, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptun, Pluton, Planeta gigant X;
V.corpurile mici ale Sistemului Solar : comete, asteroizi, sateliţii planetelor, praf şi gaz interplanetar , fluxuri de particule"
Posted by Virgiliu Pop at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Concurs de desene pe asfalt - Street Painting Competition, Deusu and Chinteni, CJ
Pupils from the Secondary Schools in Deusu and Chinteni hit the main streets of the two villages in order to draw space-themed chalk paintings. Parents and local community representatives witnessed the activity.
Posted by Virgiliu Pop at 8:11 PM 0 comments
"Traveling through the Universe", Grupul Scolar Mihai Viteazul, Zalau, SJ
We have always been fascinated by the huge Universe. Each time when we look, at night, at the starry sky, we ask ourselves what could be hiding behind those shiny spots?, what forms does this huge unknown space have?, and what would we discover if we could see farther then our poor sight allows us to? Or the optic telescopes built for this? In the mean time we remember that the possibility to fly into space changed the course of the cosmic space science.
Thus, we and our school have the target to make the students aware of the role that the cosmic space has in monitoring the impact of our activity upon the Earth, and to stimulate the feeling of responsibility that the humankind has towards the future of our planet.
We organized this “journey” to the planets of the solar system, exploring the stars, the comets, the black holes and the Milky Way willing to find out more about the Universe and to awaken the students’ desire to study the cosmic space and maybe, someday become astrologists and astronomers.
Official coordinators of the project: teacher Driha Mariana, teacher Pop Doina and teacher engineer Damsa Rodica from “Mihai Viteazul” Vocational High School.
The following teachers also contributed to organizing the event: Coroiu Felicia, Rus Dana, Dascal Viorica, Remes Viorica and Tegzes Oana. The high school headmaster Cornea Ioana and the educational counselor Cosma Septimia also took part at this activity.
Partners: The Municipality of Zalau, The Police of the Municipality of Zalau, teacher Driha Ioan from the “Voievodul Gelu” Vocational High School from Zalau, teacher Gavris Loredana from “Ioan Ossianu” Vocational High School from Simleu Silvaniei, primary teacher Istuan Cornelia from the “Avram Iancu” High School from Zalau, primary teacher Avram Maria from “Simion Barnutiu” School from Zalau, Terec Maria Floare and Fit Rodica Marcela from kindergarten no. 2 from Zalau and Tudoran Lucia from the kindergarten Haieu, Bihor county.
We initially started with an event organized at the school which in the end became a public event. More then 600 students, teachers and parents from more schools took part at this event. On this occasion the street in front of the school got the name “Universe street”. The children from kindergartens, the other pupils and students made drawings on the street under the supervision of the cosmonauts and the “planets”.
On the sports field there was a dance of the planets, an exhibition of drawings entitled “Cosmos Trough the Eyes of the Children”, an exhibition of handicraft devices built by students, poetry reading, music, everything ending with the launching of missiles and balloons into the space and the simulation of the arrival at the space ships on the Earth. The fourth number of the magazine “Forays Trough Space” was also given to those interested.
The students were trilled with what they saw and heard. The whole activity will be made public by the publishing of articles in the magazines “Atomica”, “Rebus”, “Forays Trough Space” and in the local magazines “Graiul Salajului”, “Magazin Salajan”, “Salajanul” and “Radio Maria”.
The activity was realized from with the desire to make those around us no better the cosmic space, the most important accomplishments in this field, to make them fight for a better future.
The activity was a real success among all students, teachers and guests.
Posted by Virgiliu Pop at 7:47 PM 0 comments
"Saptamana Mondiala a Spatiului Cosmic" - "World Space Week", Avram Iancu High School, Cluj Napoca, CJ
Liceul Teoretic „Avram Iancu” a aniversat „Săptămâna Mondială a Spaţiului” printr-o serie de activităţi în care s-au implicat foarte mulţi elevi din nou-formatul „Club al astronomilor” dar nu numai. În data de 9 octombrie 2008 s-a organizat o zi a spaţiului cosmic în acest liceu care a cuprins următoarele activităţi:
-„Explorarea spaţiului cosmic –trecut, prezent şi viitor” -prezentare de proiecte –; Telescopul Spaţial HUBBLE (date generale, istoria telescopului, misiuni de întreţinere, date ştiinţifice, site-ul NASA dedicat telescopului,viitorul telescopului); Turismul spaţial; Observaţii astronomice cu ajutorul telescopului SkyWatcher Dobson din dotarea liceului. S-au observat planetele Venus şi Jupiter precum şi Luna între primul pătrar şi faza de lună plină. La aceste activităţi au participat aproximativ 40 de elevi şi profesorul coordonator Alina Pinzaru.
În seara zilei de 10 octombrie 2008 elevii au facut o vizită la la Observatorul Astronomic unde au putut admira cu ajutorul instrumentelor de acolo galaxii (de ex. Andromeda), planeta Jupiter şi Luna. Au participat 15 elevi şi profesorii : Otilia Suciu şi Alina Pinzaru.
În această săptămână au fost expuse 2 panouri cu desenele elevilor din liceul nostru cu tema "Spaţiul cosmic".
The "Avram Iancu" High School of Cluj-Napoca celebrated the World Space Week through several activities: information sessions, posters, and skywatching.
Posted by Virgiliu Pop at 7:42 PM 0 comments
"Carnavalul Spatial" - "Space Carnival", Tritenii de Jos, CJ
Tritenii de Jos, a village in the Cluj county, hosted a "Space Carnival". Planets, stars and other celestial bodies were the masks in this Carnival for pupils from 7 to 13 year old. The parents and community members attended the event organized in the village's school. Inspector Luminita Chicinas coordinated this event at county level.
Posted by Virgiliu Pop at 6:00 PM 0 comments
"Carnavalul cosmic" - "The Space Carnival", Remetea Mare, TM
Copiii de la scoala cu clasele I-VIII din Remetea Mare, coordonati de doamnele profesoare Mihaela Cepeha, Camelia Dinu si Claudia Eros, au organizat un "Carnaval Cosmic", unde au venit costumati in planete, stele, si ... martieni! Costumele au fost confectionate din materiale reciclabile.
The pupils from the School in Remetea Mare, coordinated by Mihaela Cepeha, Camelia Dinu, and Claudia Eros, organized a "Space Carnival", where they attended dressed in stars, planets, and ... Martians. The costumes were made out of recycled materials.
Posted by Virgiliu Pop at 5:30 PM 0 comments