Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Noi si spatiul cosmic" - "We and Outer Space", Zalau, SJ

Activitatea dedicata Saptamanii Mondiale a Spatiului Cosmic la Grupul Scolar "Mihai Viteazul" din Zalau a fost organizata de profesorii de fizica Mariana Driha, Doina Pop si inginer Rodica Damsa. La aceasta activitate au participat directorii Ioana Cornea si Trifan Souca, profesori de la alte specialitati si reprezentanti ai presei scrise si televiziuneii pe internet organizatorii au estimat un numar de 35-40 de elevi, spre surprinderea lor au participat peste 250 de elevi. Elevii au inteles importanta acestui eveniment si au realizat un numar de 20 de dispozitive experimentale tematice, peste 50 postere si un numar insemnat de reprezentari pe calculator (powerpoint, filme, referate). Activitatea s-a incheiat cu lansarea "in spatiu" a mesajelor lor prin intermediul baloanelor si a rachetelor construite de ei. Elevii au fost foarte incantati de realizarile lor. In cadrul acestei activitati s-a lansat revista "Incursiuni in spatiu" coordonata de profesoara Loredana Gavris. Evenimentul a fost mediatizat in presa locala: Magazin Salajean si Graiul Salajului din 8 octombrie 2008, precum si site-ul oficial al scolii si revistele de fizica Atomica si Rebus pentru elevi.

This World Space Week event was organised at Zalau's "Mihai Viteazul" school by physics teachers Mariana Driha, Doina Pop and by engineer Rodica Damsa. In attendance were more than 250 pupils, far exceeding the 35-40 number estimated by the organizers. School principals Ioana Cornea and Trifan Souca were in attendance too, as well as teachers and representatives from the mass media ( The pupils understood the importance of this event and contributed 20 experiments, over 50 posters and an important number of powerpoint presentations, movies, and speeches. The event culminated with the launch "into outer space" of baloons and rockets, to the delight of the participants. This event also saw the innauguration of the "Incursiuni in Spatiu" magazine coordinated by Loredana Gavris. The event was reflected in the local press - "Magazin Salajean" and "Graiul Salajului" of 08.10.2008, as well as on the school site, and in the atomic physics and Rebus magazines.