Sunday, October 10, 2010

World Space Week at the “Gheorghe Titeica” School, Constanta

Between October 4th -10th School “Gheorghe Titeica” Constanta, celebrated the International Space Week by organizing several activities involving students of classes I-VIII.
The coordinator of the project in the school, librarian Anca Mosoiu, promoted the event and established a calendar of activities, constantly supervising their development.
Primary school pupils attempted to express themselves and their innocent ideas and knowledge of the Universe by means of visual arts: collages, drawings, posters.
Class I D, coordinated by teacher Victorita Scriosteanu, made a collage of shiny paper presenting some of the elements of our Solar System.
Another class that made collages of coloured threads was III E, coordinated by teacher Marioara Gospodin.
Class III D, coordinated by teacher Mirela Cotoarba, had various activities all through Space Week, from a Star-machine, a special device designed to project stars on surfaces, to robots made of different recyclable materials. They also made an exhibition of drawings of Space on a wheat flour background.
Class IV D made pictures of the Solar System, under the supervision of teacher Gabriela Florea.
Secondary level students of classes VIII A and VIII C entered a project competition on the topic “68 Years of Space Exploration” and their work was coordinated by teachers Dorina Foroglu, Chirata Frangu and Adina Netedu.
The exhibition of models and posters of space designed by students of classes VII A and VIII B, coordinated by teachers Emilia Cadar and Melania Gabur, created a three-dimensional world of Space, contributing to increasing students’ motivation to study Geology and Geography by making them proud of their designs which are to be used as teaching materials.
The peak of Space Week was represented by the exchange of information and the debate between students of our school classes VII B and VII C and students of “Mircea Cel Batran” High school, the students in the NASA group, in which they shared opinions and knowledge on the topic of the Universe. Luiza Jinga, student in class XI A of CNMB high school, presented the Phoenix Project and all attending students contributed with photographs supporting the main ideas of the conference ISDC- International Settlement Design Conference.
During the entire week the project coordinator Anca Mosoiu, presented a book and posters exhibition in the school library, by getting together materials about the History of the Universe, highlighting explained and unexplained phenomena, inviting to reading, exploration and knowledge.
The activities had a great impact on the students who were not only happy to express themselves and share information, but also to suggest various activities for this event next year.

Event coordinator,
Librarian Mosoiu Anca