Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Cosmosul si noi", Şcoala de Arte şi Meserii Malu cu Flori, DB

Săptămâna Mondială a Spaţiului Cosmic a fost marcată la Şcoala de Arte şi Meserii Malu cu Flori, judeţul Dâmboviţa printr-o serie de activităţi care s-au adresat atât elevilor din ciclul gimnazial cât şi din ciclul primar.

1. S-a realizat expoziţia de desene cu tema „Cosmosul şi noi”.

2. Elevii claselor a VII a şi a VIII a s-au documentat şi au selectat materiale referitoare la Univers şi Sistemul Solar, apoi au redactat articole pentru gazeta de perete şi revista şcolii.

3. Un grup de elevi din clasa aVII a au prezentat sceneta „Copiii Soarelui” în faţa elevilor clasei a III a.

Prin activităţile desfăşurate elevii din ciclul gimnazial şi-au îmbogăţit cunoştinţele despre Spaţiul Cosmic şi Sistemul Solar, au reuşit să exprime noţiuni ştiinţifice prin intermendiul artei, dezuvoltându-şi abilităţile de comunicare şi calităţile artistice.

Elevii clasei a III a au aflat noţiuni noi despre Univers şi s-au familiarizat cu numele planetelor Sistemului Solar, fiecare elev devenind un „copil al Soarelui”.

Cadre didactice participante: prof. Ana Grigore – coordonator, director Mihaela Farcaş, învăţător Maria Tudorache.

World Space Week was celebrated at SAM Malu cu Flori, Dambovita county, through a series of activities which were addressed to the students from the lower secondary school, as well as to the students from the primary school.

1. An exhibition of drawings called “The Cosmos and us”.

2. The students from the seventh and eighth grades gathered information and selected materials regarding the Universe and the Solar System, and then they wrote articles for the school notice board and for the school newspaper.

3. A group of students from the seventh grade played a sketch called “Children of the Sun” in front of the students from the third grade.

Through all the activities the students from the lower secondary school enriched their knowledge about the Universe and the Solar System, they succeeded in expressing their scientific knowledge through art, developing their communication and artistic skills.

The students from the third grade found out new information related to the Universe and they became familiar with the names of the planets from the Solar System.

Each student became “a child of the Sun”.

The group of teachers who participated at this activity was formed from: Ana Grigore – coordinator, Mihaela Farcas – school misters, Maria Tudorache.