Monday, October 12, 2009

"Seen from the Outside", Computer Science High School, Cluj-Napoca, CJ

"The event “SEEN FROM THE OUTSIDE” organized by the Computer Science high school of Cluj-Napoca was considered as a real success because all the eighty two participants showed a great interest in Astronomy and Astrophysics as well.
The first topic we discussed about was the construction of Galileo’s telescope and then we continued our workshop with the epochal Apollo 11 mission. Even the youngest students were really interested in the topic asking a lot of question such as : “Was Command Module Pilot Michael Collins satisfied seeing the Moon so close to him but not being able to land on it?”.
The eleventh graders presented their project to our younger students from the 5th , 6th, 9th grades.
Mircea Catana and Rares Bagyo enchanted them with the amazing astronauts’ achievements on International Space Station.
Catalin Balan and Andrei Brumaru took them into an imaginary trip through Mars, on the highest Solar System mountain and then in its sandy, stormy, warm and cold atmosphere. Georgiana Mircean spoke about the stars’ life, the mass condition for the evolution of a star to a black hole and also about the evolution of the Sun to a white dwarf .
Catalin Onutu compared the optical lenses to the gravitational ones and the children were impressed finding out that the light ray becomes curve near a huge astral body. Last but not least Sergiu Sotoc and Dan Persa told them a true story about our Sun - the gigantic energy plant and in the same time an endless source of life.
The students were pleased not only because they had the opportunity to shear their experience teaching their colleagues about the Universe but also because they entered together the mysterious and quiet world of the planets, stars and black holes.
The coordinator techers were: Corina Toma, Liliana Oltean and Viorel Timar."