In perioda 4-10 octombrie 2009, in scoala I.G.Duca Petrosani, au avut loc urmatoarele actiuni, dedicate "Saptamanii Mondiale a Spatiului Cosmic":
I. Constructii de machete ale sistemului solar. Elevii scolii au construit 5 machete pe care apoi le-au prezentat colegilor lor in cadrul unui simpozion.
II. Simpozion "Look at the sky", care a avut 50 de participanti dintre elevi si 10 participanti dintre profesori. Simpozionul a avut loc in data de 8 octombrie.Elevii au prezentat:
a. Machetele realizate de elevi si informatii despre sistemul solar
b. Prezentari PowerPoint cu urmatoarele teme:
- Ce este o statie orbitala ?- elevi: Broscautanu, Gurlup
- Istoria Universului - elevi Dobritan
- Sistemul Solar - elevi Gheorghiescu, Utoiu
- Planeta Pluto - elevi Apostu, Dobrescu
- Planeta Uranus - elevi Dosa, Iancu
- Planeta Saturn - elevi Mihailescu, Petrosca
- Planeta Jupiter - elevi Bodoni, Carausu
- Gauri de vierme partea I- elevi Petrescu, Praporgescu
- Gauri de vierme Partea a II-a - elevi Arustei, Ipate
- Telescopul spatial Hubble-principii de functionare si istoric - elev Murgila
- Ce stim despre Univers? - elevi Asan, Gaman
III."Luneta"- o activitate in care elevii au urmarit:
A. Modul de montare si demontare a unei lunete - elev Romanescu Rares
B. Explicarea modului de functionare a lunetei
C. Fiecare elev a privit un obiectiv prin luneta
D. Prezentarea unui CD pe care sunt inregistrate imaginile cerului in timpul noptii.
Luneta de mari dimensiuni a fost pusa la dispozitia scolii de familia unuia dintre elevii participanti.
Profesori participanti: Inspector general Alexandruu Lautaru, Director Elena Girjob, Director Adjunct Maria Pop, Valeria Buiama, Roxana Stan, Nicoleta Demeter, Lenuta Soare, Stefania Udrea.
Coordonator proiect - Prof. Dr. Camelia Stanoi
Between 4-10 October 2009, the I.G.Duca School from Petrosani hosted the following activities dedicated to the WSW:
1. "Look at the sky" symposium : The children presented 11 Power Point Presentations about Surfing the Solar System, Hubble telescope, Worm Holes, Pluto, Mars, Sun, Planet X, Saturn, The Universe, etc. You may see the PowerPoint presentations and the Photos and movies, on the I.G.Duca School's Blog
2. Telescope. The children looked at far objects using a telescope.
Student ROMANESCU REMUS presented a CD with images of the sky in night.
1.ORBIT STATION- students Broscautanu, Gurlup
3. SOLAR SYSTEM- student Gheorghiescu, Utoiu
4. ABOUT Pluto - students Apostu, Dobrescu
5. URANUS- students Dosa, Iancu
6. Saturn - students Mihailescu, Petrosca
7. Jupiter - students Bodoni, Carausu
8. WORMHOLES - students Petrescu, Praporgescu
9. WORMHOLES - students Arustei, Ipate
10. HUBLE TELESCOPE-student Murgila
11. ABOUT THE UNIVERSE -students Asan, Gaman
4. Children have made models of the Solar System and paintings
The coordinators of the powerpoint presentations were: mr. Lautaru Alexandru - General Inspector, Mrs. Girjob Elena- teacher and manager of I.G.Duca school, mrs. Pop Maria - teacher of Romanian language, mrs Demeter Nicoleta - teacher of technology, mrs. Stan Roxana - teacher of English mrs. Buiama Valeria - teacher of religion, mrs. Soare Lenuta - teacher of geography, mrs. Straja Marinela
Project's coordinator: mrs Stanoi Camelia - Physics Teacher


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