Friday, October 9, 2009

"The Universe" at the „Avram Iancu” National College, Brad, HD

Cu ocazia Saptamanii Mondiale a Spatiului Cosmic 2009, la Colegiul National „Avram Iancu”, Brad, jud. Hunedoara, s-a desfasurat dezbaterea intitulata „Universul”. Evenimentul a fost organizat de prof. Lachescu Mihaela. Au participat 30 elevi (clasa a XI-a D). Elevii Marcus Razvan Marcel, Marinca Ioan Claudiu si Moisin Valentin Ionut au realizat o prezentare PowerPoint pe aceasta tema. S-a discutat despre Big Bang, galaxii, Calea Lactee, gaurile negre, stele, meteoriti, luna. Imaginile prezentate au fost deosebite. Activitatea a fost foarte apreciata de elevi, ducand la cresterea interesului lor pentru cautarea de noi informatii referitoare la spatiul cosmic.

During the World Space Week 2009, at „Avram Iancu” National College, Brad, Romania, it was organized by Lachescu Mihaela (teacher of Physics) the event named „The Universe” 30 students from the 11th grade discussed about the Universe. They talked about Big Bang, galaxies, Milky Way, black holes, stars, meteorites and Moon. The students Marcus Razvan Marcel, Marinca Ioan Claudiu and Moisin Valentin Ionut made a PowerPoint presentation. It was a very interesting debate and the pictures were amazing. Now, our students are interested to find more things about the Universe.

Prof. Mihaela Lachescu