Sunday, October 4, 2009

Viata in Spatiu: Scoala “Constantin Brancusi” Cluj-Napoca, CJ

In saptamana dedicata Spatiului cosmic, elevii Scolii “Constantin Brancusi” Cluj-Napoca, s-au gandit sa confectioneze , folosind material reciclabil machete si postere. Pentru ca studierea spatiului cosmic se face de catre oameni cu ajutorul multor dispozitive , elevii au confectionat macheta Statiei Spatiale Internationale( SSI) si a satelitilor geostationari.De asemenea au confectionat macheta telescopului Hubble . Viata in spatiu a fost descrisa in postere a caror tematica concreta a fost : cum mananca, cum dorm cosmonautii, cum cerceteaza in SSI. Cu posterele si machetele realizate copiii au amenajat o expozitie care a fost deschisa tuturor elevilor din scoala noastra.Tot atunci elevii si-au invitat colegii in fata carora au prezentat lucrarile realizate si au raspuns intrebarilor puse.Atmosfera creata a fost plina de entuziasmul varstei, copii interactionanad fitresc cu colegii lor. Obiectele confectionate au fost expuse clujenilor , de care s-au aratat extrem de interesati de manifestatia care a avut loc in spatiul pietonal al centrului orasului. Elevii nostrii au profitat din plin de ocazie efectuand si un sondaj de opinie concret pentru de transmitere de mesaje unor alte posibile rase din Universul in care si noi ne gasim locul. Mesajele transmise includ curiozitati de tipul : cum arata extraterestrii, cu ce se hranesc, cand ne viziteaza, etc. Activitatile au fost moderate de doamnele profesoare : Marcu Eugenia, Timar Stela, Grad Elvira.

During the week dedicated to the cosmic space the pupils from Constantin Brancusi School in Cluj-Napoca thought to make models & posters from recycling materials. Because the studying of the cosmic space by people is made by the help of different devices, children manufactured the model of the International Station (SSI), the geostationary Satellites as well as the model of the Hubble telescope. The theme of the posters was :life in the space:mainly how the spacemen eat, sleep and inestigate in SSI. The posters and models made by the pupil swere exposed in front of all their colleagues in school answering their questions at the same timeThe atmosphere was full of enthusiasm.The children were naturally interacting.. The manufactured objects were also exposed in the pedestrian’s area in the centre of the town.The people from the citywere highly interested in the event. Our pupils took the advantage of the opportunity to take a public opinion test about aliens and about sending them different messages in the Univers where we also live. The messages include such curiosities as how alies look like, what their eating habit is,when they visit us. The activities were supervised by the teachers:Marcu Eugenia, Timar Stela and Grad Elvira