Friday, October 9, 2009

World Space Week at Scoala Nr.21 "Gheorghe Titeica", Craiova, DJ

Scoala Nr.21 "Gheorghe Titeica" din Craiova a gazduit doua evenimente dedicate Saptamanii Mondiale a Spatiului Cosmic:

  1. "Universul - prin ochii copiilor" Prof. Liliana Cojocaru a selectat 36 picturi (din 74), realizate de elevii scolii. Expozitia a fost vizitata de 686 de elevi, 35 profesori/institutori/invatatori si altii (parinti, personal auxiliar).
  2. O călătorie virtuală prin Univers" Informatiile prezentate au fost : "Locul nostru în univers” – prof.Daniela Tuţuleasa "Sistemul Solar şi Galaxii” – Cioploiu Oana, cls.a VII-a D "Imagini din Univers văzute cu telescopul Hubble” – Lazăr Miruna, cls. a VI-a B Au participat 35 elevi si 5 profesori.

The "Gheorghe Titeica" School in Craiova hosted two events dedicated to the World Space Week:

  1. The Universe through children's eyes Art teacher Liliana Cojocaru selected 36 paintings (out of 74), made by pupils from our school. The exhibition was attended by 686 pupils, 35 teachers and others (parents, auxiliary personnel).
  2. A Virtual Journey Through The Universe The students will travel, in their imagination, through the Solar Sistem, the Milky Way and other galaxies by watching images in PowerPoint presentations and listening to music. The information presented: "Our Place In The Universe"(ppt)- prof.Daniela Tutuleasa "The Solar Sistem And The Galaxies"(ppt) - Cioploiu Oana,cls. VII D "Univers Images Seen By Hubble Telescope" - Lazar Miruna, cls. VI B 35 pupils attended the event, 5 teachers.

Daniela Tutuleasa